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Black Friday Marble Run Deals!

Let’s go Christmas Shopping for Marble Runs! (Paid links) ▻ GraviTrax marble run sets: https://amzn.to/3rY9ceS …


  1. So Roman Catholics steal holiday ideas from the pagans to incorporate more people into Christianity yet modern day Christians have no clue they are actually celebrating pagan traditions. Ask yourself what does Evergreen Trees , Food , and Gifts have to do with the birth of Christ? What does the Rabbit , Eggs , and Candy have to do with the Resurrection? Short answer not a thing because he was never the reason for the season. Christmas is actually Saturnalia a celebration of harvest from the god Saturn that was recast by Christians in about 300 AD 260 years after Christ's death. Easter was a celebration of fertility and renewal. Hence the Rabbit. While Christ may have done many things he is not the reason we celebrate these holidays that existed long before AND after him only to be later changed by Christians as they spread across Europe.

  2. Finally, someone said it: Christmas is all about Jesus! Jesus is alive!

  3. 0:26 I thought that you will say family😅, but then you said Christ so I was very happy to hear that from you! 💪😃

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