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Christmas Marble Run Gifts – 2024 Buying Guide

Marble gifts your loved one will love (paid links): GRAVITRAX SETS ▻ GraviTrax Star Wars …


  1. Such a cool piece🤩🤩👍

  2. Thank you for this really great idea to expand Gravitrax.
    Unfortunately, I find that the (original Gravitrax) balls are not held in the wheel, but fall through. Is there a solution for this?

  3. Echt cool 👍👍👍👍, ich nutze auch 3D gedruckte Modele in meinen Kugelbahnen, zum Beispiel auch hier https://youtu.be/Qx3fRYocEAM

  4. So intrigued by the grid wheel that I've ordered one despite already having bought my friend's kids' Christmas presents. Looks so much like a perpetual motion machine! I guess it strictly fails the test as the exit is lower than the entrance point so the balls lose potential energy thus providing the kinetic energy to move the wheel…

  5. Why do you already have the Monetization/Ad Sense? You dont have 1000 Subscribers

  6. Yeeep! One of the best addons for gravitrax really original and beauty to see. Thank you very much I just purchased it at Marble mania with many others addons 😋😋🙌🙌🙌🙌 I can't wait yo recive it 😋😋😋😋😋

  7. Catherine Otter war around you can Build an aternally Long Track.😱

  8. The best 3D-printed add-on for Gravitrax!

  9. From where is the green colored filament?

  10. one of the best designs since a long time 👏👏, thanks for posting it on thingiverse 👍, our printer is already running 😊, i have subscribed 😉

  11. Amazing design and nice video! Can't wait to buy it from MarbleMania3D coming week

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