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Rap – Marble Run 3D Printer



  1. How long did it take to do everything?

  2. Holy cow…just discovered you and this amazing feat of engineering…thank you for the time and effort it has taken solely for our enjoyment. I teach at my local trade school, (Hydro elevators) and the cause and effect principles in here will be great fodder for my class. Thank you….

  3. I love how all the other marbles used support the blue marble. It's much easier to pass the reaction along to someone else; the way Blue is able to move all over is really impressive!

  4. Imagine he forgot to turn on the recording 💀

  5. Every each marble, big or small has a role to each one of them… helping to achieve one goal! Brilliant!

  6. Check the blue/white ball at 0'37……
    Fucking miracle ??
    Or the whole thing is Fucking bullshit…..

  7. Nice machine! I love the ambition!

  8. What a demonstration. Incredible work.

  9. Why not just place the marble in the glass? Would've saved you a lot of effort.

  10. Breakfast Machine Theme intensifies

  11. 😱😱😱


  12. Beautiful. I made a mini one but if you could show the link to buy the board that would be perfect! Thanks @Kaplamino

  13. Wow. One question: How does it jump at 0:35?

  14. Found this while anonymously doomscrolling Reddit. Half expected the ending to have ピタゴラスイッチ on it.

    Really love that you made the blue marble a character rather than a lot of Rube Goldberg machines where the first projectile is left embedded in the wall, so to speak.

  15. I like how this had supporting roles and background actors.

  16. HI, I'm a copyright producer on RT news channel. Please quote under which conditions we can use this video on all RT and RBTH platforms (RT TV channels, RT social media, RT and RBTH webpages)? Thank you very much in advance!

  17. I think the double ball lever jump at 0:36-:037 is the best trick ive ever seen.

  18. 1:35 Why cover the whole thing at the end though so we can't see it?
    (I'm referring to how you choose to block the video with title cards, instead of having an extra 10 second added to the video. What's the point of videoing a shot of the full table if no one is allowed to see it? Many youtubers do this. I have long been struggling to know why.)

  19. I thought it was fake..
    Great concept.
    It needs real patience to create such a complex task

  20. When you shoot the ball in the perfect place and get a full combo on Pinball 3D.

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