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REVIEW: GraviTrax Junior / My Planet Starter Set – Marble Run for Ages 3-7

This video review of GraviTrax Junior is loaded with Goodies & Freebies! Support my videos …


  1. How do you get GraviTrax pro?

  2. GraviTrax Pro Limited Edition (new!)
    Also comes with Extension Mixer, Extension Vertical and Extension Splitter with new black steel marbles!

  3. I recently brought GraviTrax PRO Starter first building my own track on just one base tile which I’ll add the the FB group.

    After my own track I then built suggestions A to E

    Out of interest PRO TRACK E, the first I built from the APP rather than the booklet, is different between the APP and the Starter Set track booklet. I got quite confused until I realised this. Looking back at PRO TRACK D in the app it only has 2 not 3 tracks leaving the starter so that’s incomplete. Easy to add it though πŸ™‚

    Lastly PRO TRACK E β€˜as built’ from the app had the ball coming off the track for the run that starts with two lengths of long track track. It comes on on the 6th turn being a tight right turn. I resolved it by raising that turn a single gray vertical and the following replacing its black vertical with a gray. Again no big deal as it’s all part of the fun.

  4. 4:54 I concur about the fixed spiral heights. It would be nice if there were height adjustable in the app.

  5. Wow very nice Video πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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