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REVIEW: GraviTrax Junior / My Planet Starter Set – Marble Run for Ages 3-7

This video review of GraviTrax Junior is loaded with Goodies & Freebies! Support my videos …


  1. Could you do vertical expansion and starter set Vs vertical set thanks

  2. I just got a starter set speed and in it are the tunnels they are really cool!

  3. Thank you for all your hard work! I'd have 2 request Sir: 1) When could we expect more tracks added to Gravisheet.. preferably tracks using the "towers", walls, balconies etc? 2) Track "Scoops and Spirals by Tycho" seems to require 4 scoops, but in the "parts needed" list there's no scoops at all. Just a minor thing, but something that could be fixed next time Gravisheets gets updated. Thanks again!

  4. Best video ever seen because the tunnels banchan it's almost like PeterboroughπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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