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  1. Here's my reaction to the new Gravitrax POWER trailer. How many of you noticed that the virtual track uses double balconies supported by stacks of height tiles that would fall over in real life, since GraviTrax height tiles do not stick together tightly enough to hold cantilevered weight? πŸ˜‚ Nonetheless, the trailer is cool and exciting. Here's my humorous take on the GraviTrax POWER trailer!

  2. Congrats to 1500 subs!πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ‘

  3. FLJ says"NiceπŸ‘, I like the elevator.🀩😎!"

  4. Very funny comments altogether! "What's the point of that?": Had the same thought πŸ™‚. Looking forward to seeing what meaningful use we'll be able to have from these new elements!

  5. Sehr schΓΆnes Reaktionsvideo, ich hatte mir dieses noch gar nicht im Gravitrax-Kanal angeschaut. War schΓΆn von dir kommentiert πŸ€©πŸ‘πŸ»

  6. I ordered a bunch of 12mm glass marbles for my Gravitrax stuff, hope they arrive in time for the power sets to release

  7. Cool, that must be the only gravitrax trailer that might actually work in real life!🀠🀠

  8. I actually felt kinda sad when it ended. It was probably the BEST gravitrax Trailer yet.

  9. What if you can use gravitrax power to activate shortcuts on our mobile phone like turning off the Ligth

  10. The "2.4 GHz signal we can see with our eyes!" got me πŸ˜‚. That would be cool though if you could see the invisible communication between the power elements. 😁

  11. Nice new series, we look forward to it. So the start can be made without a 'human hand'? βœ‹ 😁 Great!

  12. Will be available soon πŸ™‚

  13. cool i wish i gonna have that

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